cave in


cave in

romahtaminen, sortuminen, luhistua, räjähtää sisäänpäin, romahtaa, luopua, luovuttaa, hylätä, taipua, lyyhistyä, lysähtää, antaa periksi, sortua, painua kasaan, murtua.

Rimmaavat sanat

cave in rimmaa näiden kanssa:

in, drive-in, taain, parhain, varhain, aamuvarhain, rajain, ohjain, kauko-ohjain, sauvaohjain...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

cave in (englanti > suomi)

  1. sortua, romahtaa

cave in englanniksi

  1. The act of something collapsing or caving in.

  2. We were warned away from the rickety old mine because of the danger of cave-ins.

  3. The location where something has caved in.

  4. We couldnt get past the cave in blocking the tunnel.''

  5. puhekieltä The act of relenting.

  6. It was a cave in, but I let my child have a candy to shut her up.

  7. To collapse inward or downward.

  8. The roof caved in under the weight of the snow.

    He caved-in the side of the barrel with a single well-placed kick.

  9. puhekieltä To relent; to acquiesce; to comply; to grant approval; to lose willpower.

  10. I finally caved in and had a slice of cake.
